Brooklyn Bridge Park Development Corporation (BBPDC)
The Brooklyn Bridge Park Development Corporation (BBPDC) is charged with the planning, design, and building of an 85-acre, 1.3-mile world-class, self-sustaining park. It will reconnect the citizens of Brooklyn to their waterfront, replacing abandoned piers, parking lots and storage sheds with opportunities to play sports, stroll, or lounge at the water' s edge.
Board of Directors
Peter Aschkenasy
Carolee Fink
Henry Gutman
NYS Parks Commissioner Rose Harvey
James McSpiritt
Marion Phillips III
Sonam Velani
Joanne Witty
BBPDC Chairman:
BBPDC Vice Chair:
BBPDC Proposed Modification to the Modified GPP
Brooklyn Bridge Park Development Corporation
Brooklyn Bridge Park Development Corporation
633 Third Avenue- 37th Floor
New York, NY 10017
United States