Brownfield Cleanup Program

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To encourage private-sector cleanup and redevelopment of brownfield sites across New York State as a means to revitalize economically and environmentally blighted communities.  The BCP is an alternative to greenfield development and provides incentives such as liability relief and tax credits.  

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The program offers tax credits for site cleanup and redevelopment (tangible property credit) of brownfield sites accepted into the BCP.  Redevelopment credits may be increased depending on the cleanup level obtained, whether it is in an EN-Zone or Brownfield Opportunity Area and the end use of the site. Redevelopment credits are limited in New York City; see the 2015 Enacted Budget Brownfield Cleanup Program Reforms for more information.

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Not Eligible

Program Highlights

The program is administered by the New York State Departments of Environmental Conservation and Taxation and Finance.  

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How to Apply

Prior to applying, applicants should contact the Point of Contact for the DEC region in which the project is located to schedule a pre-application meeting. 

  • For a list of contacts, click here