Centers of Excellence

NYSTAR funds 13 Centers of Excellence to foster collaboration between the academic research community and the business sector to develop and commercialize new products and technologies, to promote critical private sector investment in emerging high-technology fields in New York State, and to create and expand technology-related businesses and employment. This program was created to enhance and accelerate the centers’ operations, facilitating joint university-industry research and development, product commercialization and workforce training.

Center of Excellence in Nanoelectronics and Nanotechnology at the University at Albany

Located at the university's Albany NanoTech Complex, CENN is a resource for emerging generations of integrated circuitry (IC) through technology deployment, product prototyping, manufacturing support and workforce training.

Small Scale Systems Integration and Packaging Center (S3IP) at Binghamton University

S3IP is advancing the frontiers of microelectronics research and development, addressing challenges in small scale systems design, development, prototyping, process development and manufacturing for the microelectronics industry.

Center of Excellence in Bioinformatics and Life Sciences (CBLS) at the University at Buffalo

CBLS is a hub for life sciences innovation and technology-based economic development, aimed at creating jobs through driving scientific discovery and facilitating collaboration among academia, industry and the public sector.

Center of Excellence in Materials Informatics (CMI) at the University at Buffalo

CMI leverages the University at Buffalo's cutting edge materials science, big data analytics, and advanced manufacturing expertise to drive critical R&D activities that directly impact private sector growth.

Center of Excellence in Advanced & Sustainable Manufacturing (COE-ASM) at Rochester Institute of Technology

COE-ASM helps New York State manufacturing companies improve their competitiveness through partnerships developing and deploying innovative technologies for more efficient and sustainable products and manufacturing processes.

Center of Excellence in Data Science at the University of Rochester

Situated within the University of Rochester's broader Institute for Data Science, this COE helps maintain New York State's leadership in analyzing and commercializing the limitless uses of data to improve quality of life and to fuel economic growth.

Advanced Energy Research and Technology Center (AERTC) at Stony Brook University

This partnership of academic institutions, research institutions, energy providers and industrial corporations works toward innovative energy research, education and technology deployment— focusing on efficiency and new energy sources.

Center of Excellence in Wireless and Information Technology (CEWIT) at Stony Brook University

CEWIT’s mission is to conduct first-class interdisciplinary research and development in wireless and information technology; foster new enterprise development; and address the skilled technology worker shortage.

Center of Excellence in Environmental and Energy Systems at Syracuse University (SyracuseCoE)

SyracuseCoE engages faculty, students and collaborators to catalyze research, development and demonstrations to accelerate innovations for clean energy, healthy buildings and resilient communities.

Center of Excellence in Atmospheric & Environmental Prediction and Innovation at the University at Albany

This Center is home to the largest concentration of atmospheric, climate, and environmental researchers in New York State and one of the largest in the nation.

Center of Excellence in Precision Medicine and Responses to Bioterrorism and Disasters at New York Medical College

This Center of Excellence combines the New York Medical College's globally recognized assets in disaster medicine and medical countermeasures with strategies to defend against biological and chemical threats.

Center of Excellence for Food and Agriculture at Cornell AgriTech

This COE positions NYS as a global leader in agricultural innovation, connecting businesses to world-class Cornell R&D, distributors and manufacturing partners, business services and mentorship, and specialized lab and kitchen facilities.

Center of Excellence in Healthy Water Solutions at Clarkson University and SUNY ESF

The Center of Excellence in Healthy Water Solutions at Clarkson University and SUNY ESF is a collaboration that addresses the healthy water systems challenges of New York State and beyond.

Center of Excellence in Digital Game Development at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

The Centers of Excellence in Digital Game Development at RPI, RIT, and NYU advance research in digital games and expands the creative and economic potential of the digital gaming industry across the New York State.

Center of Excellence in Digital Game Development at Rochester Institute of Technology

The Centers of Excellence in Digital Game Development at RIT, RPI, and NYU advance research in digital games and expands the creative and economic potential of the digital gaming industry across the New York State.

Center of Excellence in Digital Game Development at New York University

The Centers of Excellence in Digital Game Development at NYU, RIT, and RPI advance research in digital games and expands the creative and economic potential of the digital gaming industry across the New York State.

Center of Excellence in RNA Research and Therapeutics at the University at Albany and the University of Rochester

A joint venture between SUNY Albany’s RNA Institute and University of Rochester’s Center for RNA Biology, CERRT focuses on using RNA as a tool for training the next generation of STEM researchers and skilled biotech and pharmaceutical workers.

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