Columbia Manhattanville Project

The Columbia Manhattanville Project would provide for the creation of new educational, academic research, recreational and civic facilities through the rehabilitation of blighted and underutilized urban parcels and would benefit the City and the State of New York and the area of West Harlem by:  

  • Enhancing the City and State as centers for higher education, premier graduate programs and scientific research.
  • Enabling Columbia University in the City of New York ("Columbia") to maintain its position as one of the foremost educational and cultural institutions in the world.
  • Creating new employment opportunities while solidifying Columbia' s status as one of New York City' s largest private employers.
  • Furthering scientific research, including research into neurological ailments such as Alzheimer' s disease.
  • Creating much-needed, park-like open space in the area.  Columbia is a non-profit corporation, the seventh largest private employer in the City of New York, and a prominent educational institution with an excellent financial rating and extensive experience developing academic facilities.

Contact Information

For press inquiries, please contact the ESD Office of Public Affairs.

Columbia Manhattanville Project Additional Resources

Declaration of Covenants & Restrictions (December 14, 2011) 

Determination and Findings  (December 2008) 

Modified General Project Plan (December 2008)