Man in hardhat and woman posed in front of a construction site

More Opportunities and Resources Available for MWBEs in NYS

Diversity equals strength in New York State. For minority and women-owned businesses, the state has set nation-leading goals that will continue in 2018.

The strength is in our numbers:

  • 30 percent: the nation’s highest goal for MWBE utilization in state contracts
  • $10.4+ billion: the amount in state contracts awarded to state-certified MWBEs since 2011.
  • 8,500+: the number of firms in the NYS Directory of Certified Firms
  • 6,600+ ­: the number of MWBEs newly certified since 2011
  • 4,600+: the number of MWBEs re-certified since 2011

Earlier this month, Governor Cuomo announced new legislation to expand the MWBE program—the proposed changes would include all State-funded contracts, create a Workforce Diversity Program to establish workforce participation goals for contractors and expand opportunities for MWBEs to win prime contracts.

Two new MWBE programs launched during the 2017 MWBE forum will provide technical assistance to increase and ensure MWBE participation in state contracting:  the MWBE Business Growth Accelerator and the MWBE Certification Assistance Program. 

These build on the many tools, resources and opportunities already offered throughout New York State, including the Regional MWBE Opportunities Expo series that will once again be held in all regions of the state this year.  The Expos feature a wealth of information about MWBE certification and business development.

Visit ESD’s Division of Minority and Women’s Business Development to find out more about how New York State building—and supporting—its diverse and talented workforce.