Project at 950 Broadway Features 28 Affordable Housing Units and Free Head Start Child Education Program
One Of 11 Projects for Buffalo’s $10 Million Broadway-Fillmore Downtown Revitalization Initiative Award
Buffalo One of 162 Communities Certified Under the Pro-Housing Communities Program
Photos Available Here
Governor Kathy Hochul today announced the ribbon cutting for the Eckhardts building in East Buffalo. The $13.5 million project, by Cedarland Development LLC, renovated and converted a 50,000-square-foot, vacant and underutilized building at 950 Broadway into a mixed-use development, featuring 28 affordable housing units and a free Head Start child education program. The building has been unused for 18 years, with portions of the building being vacant for decades. The renovated structure brings new life to the former retail store- turned-office building near one of the most visible intersections in East Buffalo. Governor Hochul previously announced 950 Broadway LLC was chosen with 10 other transformational projects in Buffalo’s Broadway-Fillmore neighborhood as part of a $10 million Downtown Revitalization Initiative award.
“We are embarking on a new beginning for this long-vacant, prominent structure in East Buffalo,” Governor Hochul said. “Once a blight on the Broadway-Fillmore neighborhood, the historic building will now be an anchor and catalyst for economic development. Homes will be made here, and we look forward to welcoming new neighbors to this Buffalo community.”
In the past five years, New York State Homes and Community Renewal has created or preserved more than 11,000 affordable homes in Erie County, including over 7,500 in the city of Buffalo. 950 Broadway continues this effort and complements Governor Hochul's $25 billion comprehensive Housing Plan that will create or preserve 100,000 affordable homes across New York, including 10,000 with support services for vulnerable populations, plus the electrification of an additional 50,000 homes.
Read the full press release here.