Part of a $19 Million Joint Effort to Make Iconic Public Market More Financially Sustainable, Tourism-Friendly and a Better Source for Locally-Grown Healthy Food Options
Survey for Those Interested in Future City Market Plans can be Found Here
See Photos of the Market Here
The Regional Revitalization Partnership (RRP)—a partnership between Empire State Development, local governments, and a host of Western New York foundations—recently launched its effort to breathe new life into Niagara Falls’ treasured City Market. Phase one of the effort will focus on business planning and a concept design for physical renovations and will seek public input to help guide planning and design of the market and the amenities residents and visitors would like to see included. Future work will implement the plans with funding that has already been identified.
To ensure investments best serve the community while providing for the long-term sustainability of the market, the RRP Partners have retained a consulting team of national experts in public markets, urban design, and placemaking. The consultants are currently immersing themselves into the history of City Market and gathering information from residents, neighboring businesses, and the market’s farm vendors.
Public input on the project will be taken into consideration as the market is redeveloped and residents of Niagara Falls and surrounding communities are encouraged to visit the City Market website to learn more about the effort and give their thoughts through an online survey. The survey asks questions about the residents’ experiences at the market or the reasons they have not shopped there, what they like and dislike about the market, and their ideas for improvements. The planning team would like to reach people from across Western New York, whether they regularly visit the City Market or not.
“The benefits of successful public markets are numerous. They connect urban and rural economies, increase access to affordable and healthy food, and offer low-risk business opportunities for vendors and farmers,” said Empire State Development President, CEO & Commissioner Hope Knight. “Public participation in a survey will help inform the decisions needed to be made to create the best possible public gathering space, highlight local culture, showcase produce and other products, and welcome people from all walks of life.”
City Market was selected for funding because of its potential to draw tourists from the waterfront, create employment and business opportunities, and increase residents’ access to fresh, healthy foods grown in the region.
The City Market investment is part of a broader regional economic development strategy, announced by Governor Kathy Hochul in April 2022. All told, the Regional Revitalization Plan will invest $300 million in private and public funds in Niagara Falls, Buffalo’s East Side, and Rochester. A combined $40 million effort in Niagara Falls supplements initial funding growing out of the ESD/City 2021 planning efforts, including a $19 million program focused on food entrepreneurship anchored around the City Market area along Pine Avenue.
City of Niagara Falls Mayor Robert Restaino said, “The City Market has a long tradition of providing produce and other food items to locals for generations. Making improvements to the City Market and making it the best it can be will ensure the City Market’s longevity, so it can provide healthy affordable produce to our residents.”
“City Market has dedicated farmers, a new nonprofit manager that recently introduced a DoubleUp Food Bucks program, and a large and centrally located site,” said Ted Spitzer, President of Market Ventures, Inc., the lead consultant. “City Market also faces challenges, including aging facilities, a lack of amenities, and too few vendors. These will all be addressed in the proposed improvement program. Thankfully there are funds in place to pay for improvements.”
About Empire State Development
Empire State Development (ESD) is New York’s chief economic development agency ( The mission of ESD is to promote a vigorous and growing economy, encourage the creation of new job and economic opportunities, increase revenues to the State and its municipalities, and achieve stable and diversified local economies. Through the use of loans, grants, tax credits and other forms of financial assistance, ESD strives to enhance private business investment and growth to spur job creation and support prosperous communities across New York State. ESD is also the primary administrative agency overseeing the Regional Economic Development Councils and the marketing of “I LOVE NY" the State’s iconic tourism brand. For more information on Regional Councils and Empire State Development, visit and
About Regional Revitalization Partnership
The Regional Revitalization Partnership (RRP) is a $300M comprehensive economic development strategy and public-private partnership that maximizes impact and leverages additional investment for Buffalo’s East Side, Niagara Falls and Rochester. This community-driven, collaborative strategy takes a holistic, inclusive approach to economic development and is designed to build community wealth through multiple paths. The RRP was developed in collaboration with New York State Governor Kathy Hochul and Empire State Development (ESD) and is supported by the Ralph C. Wilson, Jr. Foundation, the Farash Foundation, ESL, KeyBank/First Niagara Foundation, M&T Bank, the Center for Regional Strategies, and partners in the cities of Buffalo, Niagara Falls, and Rochester.
Pamm Lent | [email protected] | (716) 846-8309 | 716) 560-8815
Laura Magee | [email protected] | (716) 846-8239 | (716) 374-4246