Export Marketing Assistance Service Program

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Our global network of trade representatives can help New York State companies facilitate connections, foster relationships – and identify distributors and agents – in foreign markets.

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The Export Marketing Assistance Service (EMAS) is a New York State program designed to help businesses find sales agents or distributors abroad. Once accepted, Global NY’s international offices will provide local expertise for the markets you select, conduct customized research and identify potential partners for your company abroad.

Click here to download the EMAS guidelines

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  • A for-profit business headquartered and registered to do business in New York State with the New York State Department of State
  • New York State small or medium sized company (under 500 employees)
  • Manufacture, assemble and/or distribute a product or provide an exportable service. If you are not the manufacturer of the product you must have the rights to export as an authorized distributor
  • The product or service must be export ready
  • In business for at least one year
  • Intend to begin exporting or expand export sales in foreign markets
  • Have access to sufficient resources to bear the costs associated with trade
  • Have a product or service for export that contains at least 51% New York State content. Refer to the chart within the guidelines document for a calculation table
  • In good standing with all New York State government agencies 
  • Minimum annual sales of $50,000
  • Site visits and/or telephone interviews may be conducted to further determine a company’s eligibility

New Exporters should click here to determine their level of export readiness.

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Market Selection

Global NY can assist your company with entering the following markets: Africa, Asia, Australia, the Caribbean, Europe, the Middle East, North America and South/Latin America; up to three markets can be selected per a 12-month period. To learn more about our foreign office representatives please click here.

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Evaluation Process

The EMAS application can be completed electronically using a fillable webform. Upon receipt of the application, a Global NY representative will respond to the company within 10 business days regarding approval or denial. If the application is approved the company will be put in contact with a representative of the market(s) selected. A subsequent review will then be conducted by our representative(s) located in the market(s) of interest. A detailed report will be provided to the company within 60 days.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the purpose of the EMAS program?

A: The EMAS program is designed to help you find a sales agent or distributor abroad.

Q: What markets can you help me enter?

A: Global NY can assist your company with entering the following markets: Africa, Asia, Australia, the Caribbean, Europe, the Middle East, North America and South/Latin America. A list of specific countries can be found within the application form.

Q: How many times can I submit an application?

A: Up to three markets can be selected per a 12-month period. You cannot select the same market two years in a row.

Q: When should I expect to hear back on my application status?

A: You will hear back from a Global NY representative within 10 business days. If approved for the program, a detailed report will be sent to you within 60 days.

Q: What should I do after I submit my application?

A: A detailed report will be provided to you within 60 days. You will be responsible for reviewing the report and working to establish relationships with the leads provided. Following your review of the report, a Project Impact Report is also required to be submitted.

Q: What if I decide to travel to meet with the leads provided to me?

A: There are funds available through our State Trade Expansion Program (STEP/EMAS Plus) if you follow up with the leads provided to you though an in person trip.

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How to Apply

Complete the electronic EMAS application by clicking here. The application will take 30-45 minutes to complete and must be completed in one session, there is no option to save and complete later.

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Follow Up

The company will be responsible for reviewing the report and working to establish relationships with the leads provided. Following the company’s review of the report, a Project Impact Report is required to be submitted to [email protected] in 60 days. This will assist us in demonstrating continued support for the Global NY EMAS Program, which was designed to help increase export sales of goods and services.  If a Project Impact Report is not received, the company will be unable to use the services of Global NY until a completed report is submitted.