Rochester skyline

Finger Lakes Forward

A comprehensive vision to transform the regional economy.

Forward Momentum in the Finger Lakes

In 2015, the New York State Upstate Revitalization Initiative (URI) was created to strategically focus on the economic development of Upstate NY, as part of the  Regional Economic Development Councils (REDCs) initiative, which created long-term, regionally-based strategic plans for economic growth in each of New York State’s 10 geographic regions. The Finger Lakes region is known for its natural beauty and resources, from glacier-formed lakes to world-renowned wines. With Rochester as its urban hub – home to 19 higher education institutions and cited as the country’s 7th “brainiest” large metro— the region is home to innovative thinking and a vibrant business community.  Finger Lakes Forward: United for Success (FLXFWD), the URI-winning strategic plan developed by the Finger Lakes Regional Economic Development Council (FLREDC), identifies key industry pillars and enablers, focusing on prioritizing investments based on regional strengths and opportunities for growth in the following industries:

  • Optics, Photonics and Imaging
  • Agriculture and Food Production
  • Next Generation Manufacturing and Technology

The plan also identifies support for key areas that are crucial to sustaining the region’s industry growth, including investment in: higher education and research; entrepreneurship; and anti-poverty workforce development programs. 

All together, these will help create an ecosystem of sustainable economic growth in the Finger Lakes working toward growing jobs, increasing regional wealth, driving private investment and reducing poverty in the region.

The Finger Lakes URI plan provides a comprehensive view of the region's strategic economic goals.

Strategic Initiatives

See how the state investment in the Finger Lakes is transforming the region through key projects and initiatives, innovation sites and centers for businesses, startups and entrepreneurial success – all supporting key industries, technological advancement, workforce development and higher education:

AIM Photonics

AIM Photonics

AIM Photonics is one of nine Manufacturing Innovation Institutes, an industry-driven public-private partnership. 

Eastman Business Park

Eastman Business Park

The former Kodak industrial space is one of the country’s largest advanced manufacturing and technology parks. 

Luminate NY

Luminate NY

Luminate NY is the world’s largest business accelerator for startups in the optics, photonics & imaging industries.



Formerly High Tech Rochester, NextCorps helps startup companies in their new downtown accelerator.

REMADE Institute

REMADE Institute

This DOE-led manufacturing institute focuses on early-stage research to develop solutions for key technologies. 

Rochester-Monroe Anti-Poverty Initiative

Rochester-Monroe Anti-Poverty Initiative

The RMAPI seeks to reduce poverty through a coordinated transformation of systems, programs, and policies.

ROC The Riverway

ROC The Riverway

An initiative to reimagine Rochester’s Genesee River waterfront.

Western New York STAMP

Western New York STAMP

The Science and Technology Advanced Manufacturing Park is focused on nanotech and bio manufacturing projects.

Explore the Finger Lakes Region

Find out why businesses of all kinds are thriving in the Finger Lakes, where innovative businesses, higher education and livable communities all meet.

Finger Lakes Regional Economic Development Council

Visit the Finger Lakes REDC site to access more opportunities and information.

Regional Office

Laura Fox O’Sullivan, Regional Director
255 East Ave
Suite 101
Rochester, NY 14604
United States