People gather at a MWBE event

MWBE Business Development Unit

People gather at a MWBE event

The Business Development Unit (BDU) implements strategies and opportunities to provide valuable information and resources to MWBEs with the goal of aiding in their participation and success in NYS government contracting.

These resources include:

  • Information on how to sell to New York State;
  • Information on current New York State contracting opportunities;
  • Tools for leveraging the MWBE certification;
  • Information on access to capital, technical support, and more

The BDU has analysts who provide services to businesses across the 10 New York State Regions.

Interested in scheduling a 1:1 meeting with a business development analyst?

Email our business development unit to get started.

MWBE Business Development Unit Programs and Initiatives

MWBE Business Growth Accelerator Program

This program provides intensive technical assistance and business development training for NYS MWBEs.

New York State MWBE Mentor-Protégé Program

This program builds the capacity of MWBE protégés while participating as subcontractors and suppliers on state contracts.

Supply & Demand Utilization Analysis

DMWBD conducted an analysis to identify industries with low rates of MWBE utilization, and has created strategies to increase participation.

MWBE Training and Event Series

Our online capacity building webinars help businesses market themselves to NYS agencies & authorities.

The DMWBD wants to be a part of your success. For more information about any of these initiatives please contact business development for assistance.

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