New Applications and One Stop Addendum
Who can use this application:
- Available to all new eligible applicants
- This is the only application option for firms with no other certifications
- Out of State Firms can use this application, but must have "Authority to do Business in New York State" from the NYS Dept. of State prior to submitting any application for MWBE certification.
- Qualifying new applicants can simultaneously submit up to three (3) One Stop Addendums with the fully completed NYS MWBE certification application to DMWBD. Addendums included are for the following MWBE Programs:
- Port Authority of New York / New Jersey
- New York City Small Business Services*
- Joint Certification Committee of Erie County and City of Buffalo**
Benefits of completing the Addendums:
- If you are certified with NYS, the application will be forwarded to the other MWBE program(s) you chose.
- This service is a one-time courtesy for applicants that have never previously applied or are not currently under review for MWBE certification with any partner or DMWBD
*Please note: New York City's MWBE Certification only accepts applications from a limited geographic area. Click Here to learn more.
** Please note: Joint Certification Committee of Erie County and City of Buffalo only accepts applications from a limited geographic area, a firm must be located in the County of Erie.
To begin the certification process, click here and under "MWBE Certification: Certify or Recertify with New York" choose Option 1: New Certification