Pandemic Small Business Recovery Grant Program

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The successful recovery of small businesses like yours is key to New York State's future. The $800 million COVID-19 Pandemic Small Business Recovery Grant Program provides grant funding to small and micro businesses and for-profit independent arts and cultural organizations impacted by the pandemic. The grants will be flexible and can be used for a number of different business operating expenses, including payroll, rent or mortgage payments, taxes, utilities, PPE or other business expenses incurred between March 1, 2020 and April 1, 2021.

Program application details are still being finalized, but if you are a New York State small business owner and would like to receive updates about the COVID-19 Pandemic Small Business Recovery Grant Program, please click here. You will be alerted when more information is available, and applications are being accepted.

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Eligible Business Qualifications

Small businesses, Micro-businesses and For-profit independent arts and cultural organizations (collectively, “Eligible Applicants”) must be currently viable and have begun operation on or before March 1, 2019 and continue to be in operation as of the date of application (may be shuttered due to COVID-19 restrictions).

Eligible Applicants will be required to show loss of gross receipts or other economic hardship as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and compliance with COVID-19 health and safety protocols which resulted in business modifications, interruptions, or closures.

Small businesses and Micro-businesses must:

  • Have 2019 or 2020 Gross Receipts of between $25,000 and $500,000 per annum (line 1a, IRS Form 1120 or 1065; line 1 IRS Form 1040 Schedule C).
  • Demonstrate positive net profit on 2019 Business Return ($1 or greater) (line 28, IRS Form 1120; line 22, IRS Form 1065; or line 31, IRS Form 1040 Schedule C).
  • Demonstrate that total expenses on 2020 Business Income Return are greater than the grant amounts.
  • Demonstrate at least 25% loss in annual Gross Receipts in a year-to-year revenue comparison as of December 31, 2020 to the same period in 2019.
  • Be in substantial compliance with applicable federal, state and local laws, regulations, codes and requirements.
  • Not owe any federal, state, or local taxes prior to July 15, 2020, or have an approved repayment, deferral plan, or in agreement with appropriate federal, state, and local taxing authorities.
  • Not have qualified for business grant assistance programs under the federal American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 or any other available federal COVID-19 economic recovery or business assistance grant programs, including loans forgiven under the federal Paycheck Protection Program, or are unable to obtain sufficient business assistance from such federal programs. Eligible Applicants may have received or been awarded the following federal assistance:
    • Paycheck Protection Program loans totaling $100,000 or less.
    • COVID-19 EIDL Advance Grant of $10,000 or less.
    • COVID-19 EIDL Supplemental Targeted Advance Grant of $5,000 or less.
    • SBA Shuttered Venue Operators Grant of $150,000 or less.

Ineligible Businesses:

  • All Non-Profits, Churches and other religious institutions; and
  • Government-owned entities or elected official offices; and
  • Businesses primarily engaged in political or lobbying activities; and
  • Businesses that received awards from the SBA Restaurant Revitalization Fund Grant Program; and
  • Landlords and passive real estate income businesses; and
  • Illegal businesses or enterprises.
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Grant Amounts

Grant awards will be calculated based on a business’ annual gross receipts for 2019:

  • Annual gross receipts: $25,000-$49,999: Award is $5,000/business;
  • Annual gross receipts: $50,000-$99,999: Award is $10,000/business; or
  • Annual gross receipts: $100,000-$500,000: Award is 10% of gross receipts (max grant is $50,000)
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Documentation Requirements

  • Proof of Gross Receipts loss or other economic hardship:  2019 and 2020 Business Income Tax returns:
    • For corporations and LLCs – include IRS Form 1120
    • For partnerships – include IRS Form 1065 and Schedule K-1
    • For sole proprietors – include IRS Form 1040 Schedule C
  • Completed IRS Form 4506-C

  • Proof of business location and current operation: Two of the following documents:
    • Current lease; or
    • Utility bill; or
    • Current business bank statement; or
    • Current business mortgage statement; or
    • Business credit card statement; or
    • Professional insurance bill; or
    • Payment processing statement; or
    • NYS ST-809 or ST-100 sales tax collection documentation.
  • Schedule of ownership: Listing of names, addresses, Social Security Numbers or Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers, phone numbers, e-mails, percentage ownership, and photo ID for any owners with more than 20% ownership of the business;
    • To complete the application for the grant, owner/applicant must be at least a 20% owner and provide listing of name, address, Social Security Number or for non-US owners, Individual Taxpayer Identification Number), phone number, e-mails, percentage ownership, and photo ID.
    • To complete the funding of grant, applicant must submit schedule of ownership information for all owners with 20% or more ownership of business: listing of names, addresses, Social Security Numbers or for non-US owners, Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers, phone numbers, e-mails, percentage ownership, and photo ID.
      • Non- U.S. owners are subject to Individual Taxpayer Identification Number verification through IRS Form CP565.
  • Proof of number of employees:  Most recently submitted NYS-45 document for employer firms.

  • For funds distribution: W-9 and bank account information
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Eligible Use of Grant Funds

The grants must be used for COVID-19 related losses or expenses incurred between March 1st, 2020 and April 1st, 2021.   These include:

  • Payroll costs; or
  • Commercial rent or mortgage payments for NYS-based property (but not for any rent or mortgage prepayments); or
  • Payment of local property or school taxes associated with a small business location in NYS; or
  • Insurance costs; or
  • Utility costs; or
  • Costs of personal protection equipment (PPE) necessary to protect worker and consumer health and safety; or
  • Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) costs; or
  • Other machinery or equipment costs; or
  • Supplies and materials necessary for compliance with COVID-19 health and safety protocols; or
  • Other documented COVID-19 costs as approved by ESD. 

Ineligible uses of funds:

  • Grants awarded under the program may not be used to re-pay or pay down any portion of a loan obtained through a federal COVID-19 relief package for business assistance or any New York State business assistance programs.
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Additional Information

  • Eligible Applicants must provide evidence, acceptable to New York State that the Eligible Applicant is operational and that the Eligible Applicant is not restricted by any state, local or other agency mandate.
  • Due to a limited amount of funding and the high volume of requests expected, your business type, geography and industry may factor into your ability to receive a grant.
  • Priority will be given to socially and economically disadvantaged business owners including, but not limited to, minority and women-owned business enterprises, service-disabled veteran-owned businesses, and veteran-owned businesses, or businesses located in communities that were economically distressed prior to March 1, 2020, as determined by the most recent Census data.


  • "Small business" shall mean a business which is resident in New York State, incorporated in New York State and licensed or registered to do business in New York State, is independently owned and operated, not dominant in its field, and employs one hundred or less persons.
  • "Micro-business" shall mean a business which is resident in New York State, incorporated in New York State and licensed or registered to do business in New York State, is independently owned and operated, not dominant in its field, and employs ten or less persons.
  • "For-profit independent arts and cultural organization" shall mean a small or medium sized private for-profit, independently operated live-performance venue, promoter, production company, or performance-related business located in New York state negatively impacted by COVID-19 health and safety protocols, and having one hundred or less full-time employees, excluding seasonal employees. The qualifying organizations under this definition may include businesses engaged in a field including, but not limited to, architecture, dance, design, film, music, theater, opera, media, literature, museum activities, visual arts, folk arts and casting.
  • "Covid-19 health and safety protocols” means any restrictions imposed on the operation of businesses by Executive Order 202 of 2020 issued by the Governor, or any extension or subsequent executive order issued in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, or any other statute, rule, or regulation imposing restrictions on the operation of businesses in response to COVID-19.
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How to Apply

  • Full Program details will be announced shortly. To receive updates about the COVID-19 Pandemic Small Business Recovery Grant Program and to be alerted when applications are being accepted, please click here
  • The application portal is expected to open for applicants on June 10, 2021 at 9am ET.