Pennsylvania Station Civic and Land Use Project GPP and Related Documents

(formerly known as Empire Station Complex Civic and Land Use Improvement Project)

  1. Modified General Project Plan

    GPP - Exhibit A - Project Site Plan 

    GPP - Exhibit B - Project Block and Lot Map

    GPP - Exhibit C - Design Guidelines

    GPP - Exhibit D - Transportation Improvements

    GPP - Exhibit E – Neighborhood Conditions Study with Addendum

    GPP - Exhibit F - Members of CACWG (as of August 2021)

  2. Exhibit 3 - Summary of Comments
  3. Exhibit 4 - SEQRA Findings Statement
  4. Proposed General Project Plan
  5. Draft Design Guidelines
  6. Neighborhood Conditions Study
  7. ESD Staff Proposed Revisions to February 2021 Draft General Project Plan (Updated 12/1/21)
  8. Project Correspondence
  9. Additional Background Documents