NY Ventures, the state’s venture capital arm for innovative, expanding businesses, supports early-stage technology and start-up companies through the Pre-Seed and Seed Matching Fund Program (NYVPSSF). The Program offers early-stage businesses equity investments from $50,000 up to $250,000 with matching from the private sector (there must be at least $1 of qualified private sector investment for every $1 NY Ventures invests). In addition to financial support, Empire State Development offers the tools and key introductions needed to help companies reach the next level. This program is administered via a competitive application process and applicant selection takes into consideration multiple factors to assess a company's likelihood to become venture scalable in a manner that aligns with program priorities. NY Ventures invests in diverse teams that are using technology to solve important challenges in areas of strategic interest across the state. Through the Pre-Seed and Seed Matching Fund Program, we are focused on expanding access to venture capital across New York State, particularly for underserved geographies and socially and economically disadvantaged individuals.