1 South Ave
Garden City, NY 11530
United States
University Directory
106 New Scotland Avenue
Albany, NY 12208
United States
80 New Scotland Avenue
Albany, NY 12208-3494
United States
47 New Scotland Ave.
Albany, NY 12208
United States
Albany Medical College has designated 9,859 square feet of vacant space on campus, including 2,000 square feet of laboratory space. The college will seek to enhance the Biomedical Acceleration and Commercialization Center (BACC) by targeting businesses in the areas of biomedicine, bioengineering, biotechnology and pharmaceuticals.
10 Upper College Dr
Alfred, NY 14802
United States
SUNY College of Technology at Alfred has designated 95 acres of on campus vacant land on campus and 304,291 square feet of on campus vacant space, including incubator space in the Ceramic Corridor Innovative Center. In addition, 6,000 square feet of vacant space has been designated off campus in a single-tenant industrial building in Alfred. The school will target agriculture-related businesses; computer-related businesses, including cyber security, software and hardware; construction; manufacturing; automotive-related businesses, including alternative fuels; architecture, engineering and design technology; culinary arts and baking production; digital media and animation and; manufacturing of equipment for renewable energy including geothermal, solar-thermal, photovoltaic and wind turbines.
1 Saxon Street
Alfred, NY 14802
United States
Alfred University has designated 1,744 square feet of vacant space on-campus in the Scholes Library (344 square feet) and lab space in the Ceramics Corridor building (1,400 square feet) located in the City of Alfred. The college will target businesses in the following industries: ceramics and glass materials and products, high-temperature materials and applications, multilayer ceramic devices and electronic packaging, biomaterials and related medical products, architectural ceramics and construction materials, materials manufacturing technologies, and clean-energy/renewable energy technologies.
619 West 54th Street
2nd Floor
New York, NY 10019
United States
Central Park West at 79th Street
New York, NY 10024-5192
United States
610 West 112th Street
New York, NY 10025
United States
Campus Road
PO Box 5000
Annandale-on-Hudson, NY 12504-5000
United States